
Thursday, September 29, 2011


Easily the most spectacular destination on our round world adventure so far, Santorini (also known as Thera - that's it's official name) is famous for its stunning sunsets and it's very own volcano.

Santorini Sunset 
One of the great natural wonders of the world, the island is the remnant of a volcanic whose cone was blown off. Below is a satellite photo of what remains after an enormous explosion around 1630 BC which literally blew the top off the island turning it into a half flooded caldera.

Satellite image of Santorini caldera
The explosion is believed to be one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history.

Oia looking south across the lagoon
The inner coast of the caldera where the major settlements are located is a sheer precipice around 300 metres high.

Northern edge of the caldera from Oia

Fira - buildings clinging to the face of the cliff
Oia - buildings clinging to the face of the cliff
Many of the buildings in these settlements including bars, restaurants and hotels have been constructed on the top and the edge of the cliffs.

Fira looking towards our hotel
The two main villages are Fira (where we stayed), the largest and busiest on the island which attracts the most visitors and with the largest number of shops and bars and Oia, considered to be the most charming and holds the claim to produce the best sunsets.

Fira view from Oia across the lagoon
Cliffs in Oia
The half flooded three sided caldera has formed a giant rectangular lagoon roughly 12 km long and 7 km wide and nearly 300 metres deep making it a safe harbour for all kinds of shipping but especially visiting cruise ships.

Visiting cruise ships
We had the most amazing view across the caldera from our hotel room and balcony. We watched the cruise ships arrive (usually in the morning) and deliver their passengers by tender to the small harbour at the base of the cliff.

Our balcony
Sunset from our balcony
From here visitors made their way to the town of Fira either on the back of a donkey, on-board the cable car or on foot up the winding path of 600 stairs.

Donkeys transporting weary travellers
The available space and the depth in the lagoon means that most cruise ship captains prefer to drift rather than anchor adjusting the vessel's position with thrusters when necessary. In such a peaceful environment it's not unusual to hear the ship's announcements from our vantage point on the cliff face during the day.

Visiting cruise ship
Every day at sunsets most visitors stop and find a vantage point somewhere on the cliff face to watch, take photos and applaud.

Satisfied visitor
Sunset from our balcony


What we saw and experienced in Athens will follow very shortly. In the meantime please keep sending in your comments and questions.

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  1. Spent 10 fabulous dinners with the Davisons aboard the MSC Opera. The ship was a disappointment, however dinner was the highlight thanks to my table mates. I think we were the last out of the dining room every night. We enjoyed great conversation and lots of laughs. I am grateful!

    Wishing you peace love prosperity and a joyous journey

    Deborah Schuster

  2. Very different place. we loved it. You did not mention the smell of the donkeys, one of the first things that hit us when we walked around Thira. Did you get to the red ebach and black beach? We especially enjoyed the cocktails and restaurants whilst watching the sunset. The Icecream shops were prety good also.
    Tom (& Kerry) Blow

  3. Hi again,
    Can't help commenting on your photos. you seem to have taken them from a balcony much like ours. Did you stay in the Loucas Hotel? I think that donkey is the same one that passed us each morning as we ate breakfast!!!
    Lots of love. Marg

  4. Absolutely spectacular!! Thanks for sharing your trip with us to date. It's an amazing journey.

    PS: I love your travel tip - I shared your philosophy with someone only yesterday in a mentoring session :)

    Take care, Susanne


We'd love to receive your comments. If you ask a question we promise to get back to you with a reply (just can't promise the answer will be correct).


Roger & Helen