
Sunday, January 22, 2012


If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett (Author of The Secret Garden)

Finally we've made it to Thailand. On day 185 we flew out of Shanghai aboard a Thai Airways A330 - the most comfortable flight of the entire trip. There was so much room between the seats we were almost convinced that we'd been upgraded to business class!

The agenda for our final destination was simple:
  • shopping, and
  • resting / reflecting
before returning home then heading back to work.

Other than a few days in Bangkok we relaxed and enjoyed the quiet countryside and the excellent weather at a bungalow resort just outside Chaing Mai called Secret Garden.

The photos and captions below should provide just a taste of the delights of Thailand.

Secret Garden Resort
Secret Garden Resort - Kitchen and outdoor dining area
Chaing Mai rice paddies - traditional and modern living
Thai village temple
Rice paddie fields
Heading home for dinner
Banana plantation
Sunset over the rice paddies
Helen learning to speak elephant
Mahout on his iPhone
Heading back for a bath
New friends
Snack time first
Bath time
All clean (including behind the ears)
Umbrella festival in Bor Sang
Bor Sang festival decorations
Umbrella festival parade in Bor Sang
Chatuchak Market in Bangkok
MBK Shopping Centre - Bangkok
Pantip Plaza - IT Shopping Centre

Thai cooking class with Boom



  1. Wow! What an adventure almost over ... I've enjoyed dipping into your blog and keeping up to date with your travels. Thank you. Love Ian

  2. So the journey ends.

    Or hopefully it has whet the appetite for the next adventure!

    Again thanks for sharing. Well traveled.



  3. Hi Roger and Helen,

    Welcome home. Come in and see me when you have recovered and have time.

    Loved the constant updates on your blog.


  4. Welcome back.

    Bor Sang festival looks like everyone's dream of a cultural event.

    And you definitely got up close and personal with elephants.

    There are plenty of those in meeting rooms here in Public Works, but no one speaks to them. Maybe Helen can show us how?


  5. Hi Roger and Helen,

    Welcome home! I have just read your last blog and can’t imagine how you are going to adjust back to everyday life after all your wonderful travels!

    Thankyou for sharing them with us all – I have so enjoyed travelling with you.

    Looking forward to seeing you again soon.



We'd love to receive your comments. If you ask a question we promise to get back to you with a reply (just can't promise the answer will be correct).


Roger & Helen